Working Class Boyfriend by Toussaint Morrison

Toussaint Morrison is a three-time competitive slam poetry champion, youth mentor, actor, and musician with some serious chops. What is slam poetry you ask? Simply put, it’s a sub-genre of poetry that places equal emphasis on both the content and performance of a poetic work in competition. Morrison’s music reflects an intensely interesting mix of eloquent lyricism and innovative and creative use of various musical samples from a variety of genres.

Working Class Boyfriend is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License. In plain English, this means that there are two things that must be done if you intend to copy, distribute, transmit, or remix this track. First, you must credit this work to Toussiant Morrison by including the attribution code on this page.

Once embedded, the following text will be displayed:

Toussaint Morrison Is Not My Boyfriend (Toussaint Morrison) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Finally, users must agree to not use this work for commercial purposes. Of course, it should be noted that if you are so inclined and decide to request prior permission from the copyright holder, any of the above limitations may be waived.

Download the rest of Toussaint Morrison’s music here.

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